• End of the mine?

    We’re cheered to hear of a momentous decision from the new government: It has agreed – the decision to approve the Whitehaven Coal Mine was illegal! This means that there will no longer be government ...

  • Oily money out!

    A group of activists from XR in Cumbria was in London this week alongside Greta Thunberg and activists from across the UK and Europe, to protest at the Oil and Money Conference (rebranded as the Energy Intelligence Forum), a pre-Cop28 meeting of global fossil fuel organisations and their financiers. Our ...

  • Coal Mine Update: Decision delayed during Government collapse

    The ‘dead canaries’ visit the Department for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities on 14/6/22 during a week of protests Since our last update on the planned Whitehaven coal mine: 1st October 2021 was the last day of the public enquiry hearings. The planning inspector said he would submit his report ...

  • Called in, at last

    Well, what a rollercoaster we’ve all been on over the Cumbria coal mine. But news that the Government has finally agreed, albeit kicking and screaming to call it in for a central government decision is very welcome. Its position, suggesting it was a local issue to be determined ...

  • 20th August Demonstration

    On 20th August XRSL joined with other campaigners to hold a demonstration at New Road Common, Kendal. We were opposing West Cumbria Mining’s plans to extract nearly 3 million tonnes of coal a year (until 2074) from their proposed mine near Whitehaven, Cumbria. After hearing speakers from Ambleside Action ...